Hootan Noohi
Hootan Noohi
Hootan Noohi Master of Civil Engineering – Road and Transportation
Who is the CEO?
Hootan Noohi, the CEO of the company, is one of the company’s job positions,
which has a very high position, and he was introduced as an executive director to
fulfill his duties to achieve the company’s lofty goals and develop the company,
and if the CEO is not qualified, the company will suffer decline and consequences. becomes irreparable.
The CEO of the company is responsible for the entire company and makes decisions for all or a major part of the company.
When, according to Article 124 of the Business Law, the CEO, with the approval of three-fourths of the votes
of those present, has the position of the chairman of the board of directors, he will be responsible
for all the supervision and responsibility of the various departments of the company, but according
ifications .and limits of his powers has been specified.
Hoten Nohi
What are the duties of the CEO of the company?
expanded based on the needs of the company and the agreement of the assembly and the
board of directors, but the most important duties of the CEO are as follows:
- Registering and maintaining company documents and property
- Guidance and advice to the members of the board of directors
- Implementation of the approvals of the board of directors
- Management, registration and maintenance of company property
- Hiring specialized personnel and supervising them
- Strengthen human resources
- Find job opportunities
- Encouraging, punishing and firing personnel if necessary
- Supervising the fulfillment of contracts with third parties
- Leading the company to achieve its goals
- Identification of problems and opportunities of the company
- Providing means for company circulation and personnel development and growth
- Monitoring the implementation of the company’s statutes
which has a very high position, and he was introduced as an executive director to
fulfill his duties to achieve the company’s lofty goals and develop the company,
and if the CEO is not qualified, the company will suffer decline and consequences. becomes irreparable.
The CEO of the company is responsible for the entire company and makes decisions for all or a major part of the company.
When, according to Article 124 of the Business Law, the CEO, with the approval of three-fourths of the votes
of those present, has the position of the chairman of the board of directors, he will be responsible
for all the supervision and responsibility of the various departments of the company, but according
ifications .and limits of his powers has been specified.